Friday 1 February 2013

Tonto Dike Completes "HI" video!

Against all odds, Tonto Dike has finished shooting the video of her single ‘Hi’ and she is proud.
Tonto defied the boos and shoos that erupted from fans, late last year, after audio version of her singles Hi and It’s Ova hit social networking sites twitter and facebook; she vowed then that she would put together a big budget video of the songs and she has.
According to producers, the Hi video tries to show the difference in her dual characters Tonto Diko and Poko.  The video directed by Gbemi Phillips shows scenes of a very energetic Tonto, dancing sensually and  rigorously almost at the same time.
The video is shot in high definition and is reported to have gulped millions of naira on set expenses and extras.
In the twitter war, that lasted days, Tonto had been condemned by fans for doing the singles which they allege was below satisfactory. Tonto would have none of that and retorted with words of her own. It was the abuses reached a simmering point that the actress turned singer stopped making comments, ultimately ending the war. 



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